Today's post is a brief look around the ROYALEFAM Office.
We are situated in Commonwealth, a station just a few stops away from the centre of city, to the South-East.
The office is a converted room in an industrial estate; a big empty concrete room with NO aircon. In the afternoon, the heat is sweltering, and the lunch in my stomach makes me want to take siesta! Thank god for the fans everywhere!
The spray can shelf. You can see a peep of Jean behind the shelf.
The P.K. RIPPER. Our resident fixed-gear bike, and Jasone is the resident fixie.
The "Admin" side's desk! Laptops, paperwork, and a sewing machine. I sit at the desk to the right of this picture.
Sue-Anne my director - busy typing away some important documents... or is she...?
Melvin cutting custom labels for the shoe boxes about to be shipped.
Mark SBTG Ong in action! Putting some personal touches on a pair. The shoes are all mocked up in Photoshop and then freestyle painted on.
Ivan - Production Intern #1 - cutting some fabrics and animal prints out for sewing on to the shoes later.
Jasone - Production Intern #2 - hand detailing sharks teeth on the front lip of the Flying Tiger!
Jean - hand detail extraordinaire - adding leopard print detail to the upper (and watching YouTube at the same time! Jean has been with the company for 5 years - she's an old hand at this by now).
Jean's work - a custom corporate shoe for up-and-coming Singaporean company X-Mini, producers of portable capsule speakers.
The finished product. Clean!
Huge stocks of base shoes ready for customising!
The "Production" side of the office!
My current favourite - "Die die my darling" - a Valentine's day 2010 exclusive. Only 16 available!
Here's a close-up - look how damn beautiful that rose is!!!
The ROYALEFAM business card. I bring back a stash for all you ROYALEFANS back in NZ!
Big mirror that stands against the wall of the office.
That's all for now folks, look out for the upcoming feature: Meet the ROYALEFAMILY!
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